Weight Loss Wednesday – F.I.T. 1 and Juicing Central!
I’m about a week into the Forever F.I.T 1 program and so far so good, it’s much easier than the C9 detox. A typical day goes like this:
120ml Aloe vera
Forever Lite Shake
x1 Therm tablet
x1 packet of Forever Fiber (mixed with water)
x2 Garcinia Plus tablets (20 mins before eating)
x1 Therm tablet
300 Calorie lunch (approx)
Afternoon Snack:
Forever protein bar (if feeling peckish)
x2 Garcinia Plus tablets (20 mins before eating)
500-600 Calorie dinner (approx)
Keep up with the high water intake too.
The day is flexible in what meals you have and the calories for each, so long as you stick with the recommended calorie intake of around 1200-1400 for the whole day (including shake).
It’s pretty easy to stick within this limit as I’ve found many recipes are easily under 600 calories yet remain filling and tasty. A good book I have been using is the Hairy Dieters (yellow version). It’s pretty amazing too that I haven’t touched a cup of tea or coffee in about 3 weeks and I’ve not been munching on chocolate every night (like I used to) and I’ve not really even craved these things since starting the C9 detox.
I’ve also been treated to a Nutribullet juicer to help increase my fruit intake 🙂
So far i’ve tried the following combinations:
- Spinach, blueberries, strawberries and banana
- Spinach, blueberries, banana and apple
- Strawberries and banana
Each topped up with a little water to give a thinner consistency.
I’m keen to keep trying different combinations, but have so far enjoyed the ones above!
Exercise wise again i’m been a bit slack on a daily routine, but I did enjoy a big 14Km walk with the dogs at the weekend and visited local National Trust Lyveden New Bield.
Begun by Sir Thomas Tresham to symbolise his Catholic faith, Lyveden remains incomplete and virtually unaltered since work stopped on his death in 1605.
The walk was pretty hard going as it was mostly cross fields with very claggy mud that weighed you down, it will be a lovely walk once the fields are a little dryer and planted up with crops.
Total loss this week: 3lbs
Total loss so far: 13lbs
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Sim @ SimsLife.co.uk
That is a fantastic loss this week! There are a lot of tablets etc involved with the Forever F.I.T. 1 program are you finding it all ok? Agree with you on the calories, very easy to stick to and there are many yummy meals for well under 600 calories. Make sure you keep warm – one thing I always find when on a diet is I feel the cold more and this weather is not helping.
Love spinach – not tried it in a smoothie yet but bet they taste delicious! 🙂
Looks like you had a fantastic long walk too! Have a fab week and keep us updated – how long are you on the program for? Sim xx
Hi Sim, yeah the tablets are fine, they’re really just to assist you..the Garcinia one is a natural weight supplement, the Fiber is to help increase (funnily enough) your fiber levels (it’s american spelling btw!) and the Therm is a natural way to give you the boost of caffeine without all the toxins. I do find myself cold, but i’m always cold anyway esepcially when sitting at pc all day long. Try adding spinach, you don’t notice it at all, except it turns the smoothie the horrible colour! The program is for 30 days 🙂
Mum Tum Diaries
fab weight loss well done! I love a smoothie- great way to get all your fruit and veg in 🙂
Colette B
Gosh anything would have to be better than the Clean 9 – I was so glad when I’d finished that!
Yeah it’s not for everyone…did you do the new C9? They’ve improved it loads so you get to have free foods on days 1 and 2…I didn’t mind it this time round, i did the older version and didn’t seem to lose any weight but this one i did.
Well done on the loss. I’ve never had much luck with smoothies. I’m fussy about textures but they do intreague me x