What Annoys You Most At The Airport?
There’s always something that will annoy you at the airport whilst waiting for your plane, from queueing to check in to how expensive everything is. Online travel agent Sunshine.co.uk did some research into what annoys us most.
Sunshine asked 1,952 people aged 18 and over from around the UK, all of whom had travelled via an airport in the last six months.
These are the results:
- Queues – 79%
- Price of food/drink/items – 68%
- How busy they are – 47%
- Hyperactive children – 32%
- How far apart everything is – 27%
- Waiting for baggage – 24%
- Priority boarders – 17%
- Rude staff – 16%
- Handing over boarding pass for purchases – 11%
- Strictness of procedures – 5%
Not surprisingly queueing was the highest annoyance, I don’t think many people are a fan of queueing to be fair but for the most part I don’t mind queueing if I can see the line moving, I think the worst thing is when you’re queueing to get through passport control and you see empty stations and a big queue piling up. Now add to that mix bored children and you have probably my biggest annoyance of all!
Next up prices of food and drink etc, again this was ranked quite highly in the list and I do have to agree on why things cost more within an airport to the shop a few miles away in the nearest town? Best advise here is make sure you eat/drink and visit the bookstore before you arrive at the airport so you limit what you need to spend once inside.
Hyperactive children is put like it’s a bad thing and I’m surprised it’s so high on the list… We were all children once and I’m sure all as hyperactive at one point or another because well that’s what children are meant to be!
Getting through the airport as quickly as possible is on everyones agenda, here’s a good post on how to cope when you’re travelling as a family.
The other things on the list to be perfectly honest don’t really bother me, I just see it as part and parcel of travelling through an airport.
What do you think, what annoys you most about airports?
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