What Would You Tell Your Eighteen Year Old Self?
I’ve seen a few of these types of posts in the past and this particular post on things you wish you knew when you were eighteen got me thinking about what I would tell my eighteen year old self. I thought also it would be fun to ask a few friends what they would say also, here’s the most popular ones..
Travel and See the World
This was by far the most popular answer, I was lucky as I actually left school at 18 and went to teach in India for 6 months, came back went Inter-railing through parts of Europe for about 3-4 weeks and then went to Canada with my Grandma to visit relatives! I do still wish though that I had done a bit more whilst in India itself instead of chickening out and bumming it in Goa for the last 2 months of my trip.
Don’t try to be someone else
You can spend your entire teenage years trying to be like your friends or like the ‘cool’ kids in school, but do you know what you are absolutely fine as yourself. You are you for a reason but you probably just don’t realise it yet!
Live Life & Take Risks
Live life, be free and let yourself go! Don’t think it’s embarrassing to do certain things especially if it’s fun and would inevitably put a smile on your face. Try not to take things too seriously, these years fly by and before you know it you’re in your *cough* thirties!
You really do only live once and you can spend you younger years wishing you were older, firstly stop wishing away your life, these years are precious.
One of my biggest regrets is not talking to my grandad properly, because before you know it they are gone and the things you now want to ask them, you can’t. Yes you see them regularly and you do the normal everyday chats, but try asking them about their childhood, what were they doing at eighteen..were they in the Forces? Ask them about that!
What would you tell your eighteen year old self?
*Collaborative Post
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