
Nail biting journeys on the roads

In today’s age hopping in the car to go on a family adventure is second nature and we hardly ever have to worry about arranging public transport to get to our destination. That being said it’s so important to plan the route you’re going to take, especially when you’ve got small children in the car. When taking in a new route you never know what you’re going to find and the last thing you want is to suddenly find yourself on a notoriously treacherous route, you know the ones I mean: steep inclines, narrow spaces and steep drops either side of the road. These are scary enough on your own, even worse if you’ve got the kids in the back!
Chill.ie who offer some great deals on cheap car insurance have created this great infographic all about the most dangerous routes across Ireland. So if you’re based there or are planning a family trip to the emerald isle then take a look at this and bear them in mind when planning your route with the kids.


*Collaboration Post

One Comment

  • Jill

    I remember making the drive from Galway to the Cliffs of Moher a few years ago, and some of those roads were crazy! And at what seemed like the most narrow area, a large coach bus passed us and it was terrifying! Hard to believe it is worse in Dublin!